n e u · t r a l · i · t y
/ n o o ’ t r a l a d e /

n o u n

t h e s t a t e o f n o t s u p p o r t i n g
o r h e l p i n g e i t h e r s i d e
i n a c o n f l i c t ,
d i s a g r e e m e n t , e t c .

whether you're here for a reflective moment on spirituality,
or an intellectual discourse on policy,
kneutrality is your space to ponder, question, and grow.

so, tune in, stay curious,
and let's discover the beauty of balance together.
i'm thrilled to have you join the conversation.
welcome to kneutrality.

welcome to kneutrality,
the podcast/instragram account
where the complexities of life
meet the simplicity of being.

i'm your host, freeman voyles,
and i'm here to embark on a journey with you
through the intertwining paths of philosophy,
christianity, travel, sexuality, and politics.